Taxpayers Robbed, Force-Fed Propaganda and Filthy Lies

The wheel of ripoff spins fast and faster; bigger and louder come the lies. COVID WILL KILL US ALL! Cue billions vanishing up the corporate snout. TOGETHER WE WILL DEFEAT THE VIRUS! Taxpayers bankrupt, experts babbling of "vaccines" and "variants". Get Jabbed - Boosted! Just One More Jab! Reload & repeat...RUSSIANS WILL KILL US ALL! Cue billions rolling out and profits rolling in. TOGETHER WE WILL DEFEAT PUTIN! Taxpayers robbed, experts babbling of "freedom" and "democracy". Ukraine must win-Ukraine is winning! Victory is coming! Just one more billion!

Here is the seamless cycle of globalism at its gangrenous worst. A message so simple the dimmest of the dumb can understand: Something bad will KILL US ALL! Unless the entire world pays up front to be saved by...globalism! PAY NOW, LIVE LONGER! When it wasn't Covid it was Climate and after Ukraine something else will be readied to KILL US ALL! 

I'll say this much for the old-fashioned oil billionaires: at least their operations dug something very useful out of the ground. The new generation of financial geniuses create their own lethal monsters from scratch while nobody's looking, open the cage doors and then demand that we pay them to slay their own creations. And here's the best bit; they take the money up front whether we like it or not. 

Late on Thursday -a fine time-slot  for bad news, with every wage-slave's mind fixed on the coming weekend -  Britain's Ministry of War (a.k.a. Defence) announced that someone called "we" has given some special "long-range" missiles to Ukraine. Translation: You, me and every other sucker paying tax have just stumped up X amount of money for Y amount of death-machines. It's a pay-as-you-go war for the Mug In The Street. Britmugs are in the hole for a mere £4.6 billion so far, it is claimed, but who really knows? The bangers have already been sent (top secret mission) but they can't tell us where (super sensitive info) or how many (undisclosed military secret) and ain't that just fabulous? 

Of course, after two long nights on the lash, Janet and John citizen might be pleasantly surprised to read in the Sunday poop-sheets that suddenly "Ukraine has driven Russia back." 

A weekend to remember, ladies, gents and alphabeteers! Treasure this moment: a rare, succulent fillet of real-time propaganda supplying the meat (British missiles) to the potatoes (Nightmare for Russia) within scarcely 48 hours. Who knew war was so simple? 



On Thursday, things were looking somewhat bleak for free-dumb and dumb-ocracy. The Zelensky dream-team was stumped. Nobody wanted to read about the Magnificent Zelbo and his Nazi Musketeers. Zelbo himself had been snubbed by the Eurovision Song Contest; a bit like being blacklisted by your local sex-offenders Register. Around 65% of Ukraine's pre-war population had either fled the country never to return, or were already dead. Cornered in the mud-drenched killing fields of Bakhmut, the tattered, demoralised remnants of Ukraine's "forces" were (on Thursday) facing further annihilation. With the spring sun on its way, the one thought on every mind was the massive, unstoppable Russian advance scheduled for the end of rainy season. Only a desperate, heroic counter-attack could save Ukraine from being overrun!   


Who would save Ukraine from the evil Russian hordes pouring across their border? Not America (busy with the friendly international hordes suddenly pouring across their own border) so how about good ol' UK Plc? We could teach the Texas border patrol a thing or two about importing voters. [SEE THIS] The hordes pouring over the British border are not a problem, no siree. After four years practise, the RNLI cross-channel taxi-service is running like a well-oiled machine. 

And golly gee, it turned out Britain had a few multipacks of long-range Storm Shadow missiles just sitting around gathering dust in the shed next to the nuclear ICBM silos. So the plump MP running our  Ministry Of War/Defence rang the logistics depot (or maybe Amazon Prime) and sent off this redundant  weaponry to Ukraine, gift-wrapped, and labelled with love from Johnny taxpayer, c/o the Inland Revenue.


Worn out by endless evenings of drunken gang-rape and late nights gorging on foetus-burgers washed down with Smirnoff Ice, Russia's slitty-eyed  stormtroopers were caught napping. After five months of slaughtering thousands of helpless Ukranian conscript squaddies all day every day, the Soviet sub-optimals had been lulled into a false sense of security. Suddenly, without (more than two days) warning, out of the royal blue eastern sky, came a hail of  fearless, deadly Storm Shadow missiles fired by plucky, highly-trained  British Ukrainian experts. The last thing Ivan saw was a blur; a supersonic flash of Union Jack with Too Bad Vlad! scrawled on the shell-casing. KA-BOOOM!!!@"£$%^ Without hesitation, the last, cowardly survivors of this glorious NATO Ukrainian precision-guided assault turned tail and ran towards Moscow screaming for mercy. Eat shell, Rooskie. 


Among Sunday's other headline hilarities:

Ukrainian forces have regained at least a kilometre of territory in Bakhmut amid a Russian withdrawal - Gaurdian  (NB: A square kilometre equals 247 acres. I've lived on three different farms much larger than that, in tiny little England).

Russian Forces Flee Bakhmut 'in bad order' during Ukraine war - Daily Mail      (NB: "Fleeing in bad order" -a technical term meaning 'not fleeing in good order'. Source: Chapter 2 page four of "Fleeing the Battlefield in an Orderly Manner" by Field Marshal Tristram "Trish" Winstanley of the Kings Own White Flight.)           

The Times took a back seat on this weekend's game-changing breakthrough (on the potential for arms dealing in 2023) by mostly ignoring the subject. Their front page did, however, observe that Nothing Unites Us Like Eurovision. I confess this puzzled me, until realising it was clearly an internal staff memo that got printed by mistake. In the Britain the rest of us inhabit, the mere word Eurovision is guaranteed to fragment any gathering faster than a speeding Storm Shadow.  

Yet how, readers may ask, does any of this serve the cause of globalism? Well, so long as we correctly indentify the word globalism as meaning "international tax-evading corporate psychopathy" it's self-explanatory. Globalist puppet Zelensky will fight to the last Ukranian (except of course, himself) rather than engage in anything vaguely resembling negotiation. Thus, the rich will get richer, we'll all get poorer and -bonus!- the formerly fertile-beyond-belief pastures of Ukraine will be a blackened, poisoned, hellscape for decades to come, severing almost a third of Europe's grain supplies for a generation. 

Throw in the Nordstream gas pipeline terror-attack  (click to read) - the one that will -sooner rather than later- drive Europe into energy bankrupcy, and pretty soon we'll all be eating Kellogs fat-free grub-nuggets that melt in your mouth and vax your colon from within. Not to mention wearing Nike gender-neutral, plant-based underpants and ordering heat-pump dildos from Ebay. That global enuff forya, or do I have to get Klaus Schwab to explain?

The clock ticks forward like the steadily mounting death toll that NATO has engineered for the pleasure of their corporate chieftains. It's been a bloody great war so far. We've done the guns, bullets, rockets, tanks, fighter planes, and traded up to depleted uranium shells and long-range missiles. The wheel of ripoff spins faster every day. What on earth could we possibly sell next?

Ian Andrew-Patrick

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