Government Gaslighting Makes Mental Illness Mandatory


A British Conservative MP has just announced he is "transgender". A senile dementia victim thinks he is " President of the United States". The leader of the UK's Labour Party can't give a straight answer to the question: what is a woman? A very dimwitted 74 year-old unemployed man who lives in Windsor thinks when his mum dies he will be the King of England. The midget in charge of a borderless area called "Scotland" says everyone should wear useless face-muzzles forever because of a flu virus.

A will to spread madness has taken root in the western governments, and the ordinary people of America and Britain are being forced to inhabit a pretend universe. Refusal to cooperate with official madness means you will be -literally- expelled from society. I have already been expelled from Facebook, then censored on Youtube -and I can assure you this blog is buried under everything the Google Borg can heap upon its head- just because I refuse to inhabit the imaginary world. 

We are being driven collectively insane, by design. Mad people cannot defend themselves. Once we have been pushed over the edge into believing the unbelievable, it is assumed that we will then accept the unacceptable. Unless some kind of organised effort pushes back against this -and quickly- it will soon be too late. We are dangerously close to losing our minds -and the last scraps of freedom that we still possess. 

We are being prodded towards the abyss of insanity with a three-pronged fork, one racial, one sexual, one existential. The Holy Trinity of Colour, Sex and Climate is a three-sided penitentiary in which only obedient sheep are welcome. Outside of the pen, wrongthinkers are shunned, sidelined and sacked. Our personal, sexual and national identities are being shredded by cynical bullies with no conscience or loyalty to anything beyond themselves.  


The truth that must never be spoken: white people in white countries are being replaced with coloured people from foreign countries, and threatened with prosecution if they dare to complain. Would you speak these words aloud in a police station? (I strongly advise you not to). A significant amount of black people are demanding free money because hundreds of years ago some other black people had a hard time. Television programmes in white countries are filled with non-white people and/or mixed-race couples. White civilisation is being erased from history and fairy-tales about black geniuses/heroes/inventors shoe-horned into the mainstream. Everyone knows this is happening but is forbidden to offer any kind of protest or resistance. 


Every week another thousand foreign freeloaders just step ashore and sign on to the British gravy train. Every month another million simply walk across the border into America's welfare welcome. It's also  happening in every country in western Europe and all these non- governments are busy operating the whole sordid process, while insisting the opposite is true. The voice of government doublespeak tells us (a) it's not happening and (b) it's a really good thing that it's happening.   

As a result, ordinary white people feel abused, angry and frustrated, because they cannot speak the truth in public or at the workplace. The biggest employer in Britain is the government. The hundreds of thousands who work for government are subject to race-brainwashing which demands that all white people feel guilty and ashamed of their colour, their country and their history. They have to choose unemployment and poverty, or pretend to agree with this false reality.

The streets of American and British cities have become battlegrounds where armed gangs fight deadly turf wars. As a result, the prisons of America and Britain are crammed full of violent foreign criminals, mostly first or second generation immigrants. The police know this, but they refuse to address the real problem (immigration) because they are government employees and have been subject to the compulsory brainwashing. 

Ninety-five percent of all children in Britain are sent to government schools, where race-brainwashing begins at the age of five. By the time they grow up and apply for a job, the white kids will already know that they must eat unlimited crap or be tossed on the scrapheap. But no-one is standing up for them and their own parents -frightened and guilt-tripped- are colluding in the process of their children's ritual humiliation.

This racially-centred insanity cannot continue, because everyone knows the money does not exist to pay for unlimited immigration. Everyone knows the only possible result will be the collapse of the Health Service, the collapse of Social Security, mass poverty and  the breakdown of a bankrupt society. The governmental response is MORE IMMIGRATION, FASTER! We are trapped in a race; the government is racing to destroy the economy and the country before the rest of us rise up and stop them.


The destruction of the family unit is central to any system of top-down control. Blood is thicker than water, and close, supportive families find collective strngth -as the elite families well know. For this reason, all would-be tyrants fear strong, secure families, and take steps to split them up, or turn them against each other. The trick is to train people to focus only on themselves: narcissism is the key. In the 1960's the preferred tool was drugs. Today, sexuality is the weapon of choice. The simplest way to shatter family cohesion is to target children and train them into self-obsession. 

All healthy children are in a form of quite natural conflict with their parents, as they struggle to learn the extent and purpose of the boundaries placed on them. Equally, as children grow older, they encounter the emotional and psychological confusion that follows the arrival of sexual instincts and urges. 

The state education systems of America and Britain have been corrupted to the point where exploiting the sexual confusion of minors is now considered standard practise in schools. Traditional teaching has been virtually abandoned, and the relationship between teacher and pupil is now overt, intrusive and performative. Young teachers -themselves the product of perverse, 'progressive'  education- dominate the classrooms using the selfish, narcissistic traits of their pupils. 

Issues which would once have been considered off-limits for educational professionals are routinely raised, indeed, injected into lessons, creating an atmosphere of permissiveness that children find an atractive alternative to the strict limits set upon them by their parents. This drives a wedge between them, although their mothers and fathers are often unaware of the techniques being used to alienate their offspring. 

Five years ago, when the T was first clamped onto the already dubious alliance of LGB, the odious cult of trans-worship was hitched to the progressive sexual bandwagon. The carnal free-for-all that passes for 'sexual exploration" in the 21st century was hardly going to pass unnoticed by those best-placed to promote and normalise it: schoolteachers. It's likely the majority of teachers pushing sexual politics on their pupils think they are merely participating in the 'spirit of the moment'. Furthermore, an increasing number of teachers are childless and/or proudly and loudly enmeshed in the so-called "LGBT community". 

At the risk of generalising (a risk I am quite happy to take) after decades of observation, it's my conclusion that the LGBT@%$//#=+ community contains way more than it's share of narcissists. Everyone who ever lived and worked in show business knows how this works. Here we see the dangerous interface between adult narcissists and children -who are, by nature and by design, self-obsessed during their journey towards self-acceptance. 

Onto this platform of immaturity and confusion, the progressive teacher unloads their own (unwanted) opinions, bias and enthusiasms. Being self-centred snowflake egomaniacs, woke teachers explain -without being asked or tasked- the terrible things they have suffered at the hands of intolerant heterosexual 'far-right' monsters, and invite children to join them in the land of LGBTQ£^{}/KFC&$oo7 where everyone is a hero, a victim, brave, unique and celebrated. Or else -the children are told-  you can  unpopular, boring and straight. Which option do you think a confused, gullible, narcissistic child will choose?

Young children have no grasp of reality whatsoever. Forced to spend 35+ hours a week in the company of sexually-obsessed half-educated numpties who have been given "teaching credentials" these kids are condemned to absorb years of sex-centric lies and propaganda from which they cannot possibly recover. When your schoolteachers spend five days stuffing your head with their own obsessions, and you see your father perhaps six hours during the week and twice that at weekends, who's shaping your mind? 


By far the worst aspect of the hyper-sexualisation of youngsters and the cult of sexual deviance is the unsubtle invitation that every child now gets - to portray themselves as helpless victims of their intolerant, narrow-minded parents. Children adore playing the victim card -all parents know this- but the card is offered to them by adult professionals eager to draw them over the border into sexual perversion.  Ever-eager for attention, validation, sympathy and praise, vast numbers of poor, ignorant kids are sleepwalking into a nightmare future of organ-wrecking drugs, irreversible surgical procedures and the company of lunatics and predatory sex-criminals. 

In just a few years the true horrific cost of this obscene programme will be revealed, in an explosion of schizophrenia, paranoia and suicide that will be apocalyptic in scale. Never will so many have been driven so mad by so few. At  current rates of "self-identification" by 2025 one in three children aged 8 or above will be claiming they are "non binary/gender-fluid/gay/bi/trans/dragons" etc. An entire generation of warped, maddened youth is being engineered.

History -if such a thing is still allowed- will record that when it fell, western civilisation toppled into a mass-grave full of bewildered, wailing teenagers with mutilated bodies and twisted minds. That grave is being dug in a school near you.


The third prong of the fork driving us to the brink of lunacy is the climate hoax. We have covered this farce in detail many times HERE and HERE for example, but a few specific developments need to be highlighted. The death-of-the-planet-due-to-mankind is a never-ending fairy-story that we have been fed since the 1970's in one form or another. Climate doomsters are no different from the High Priests of primitive cultures who would terrify the public by correctly predicting the "death of the sun" (an eclipse) and then "saving the planet" when the public agreed to pay/worship on demand (the eclipse ended). (Precisely the same principle delivered the Covid hoax, in which everyone was threatened with death, and after the biggest vaccination sales in world history, the High Priests announced "Look -you're alive! We saved you!) 

The religious aspect of the Climate hysteria is entirely appropriate for a society enmeshed in a web of mental ilnesses. Just as the trans-cult revolves around a strongly-held belief that can never be proved (I AM a non-binary trans-woman!)  the climate cult plucks straws of evidence from the air and declares them to be conclusive. Unfortunately, the very nature of weather supplies the cult with unlimited quantities of "evidence" that today's meteorological event isn't like yesterday's, and next Wednesday's will be different again. 

Naturally, children are prioritised for the necessary brainwashing. The arrival of Saint Greta was overdue, and I have no doubt a Junior Jesus or a Mini-Mohammed will be along shortly to lead us away from the Carbon Abyss into a solar paradise of  virtual immortality where we can munch bags of tasty bugs in our six-foot apartments with our 90-IQ brains plugged into the Metaverse watching the first Trans-President of the World explain why all white human skin must be concealed and the wearing of zebra-stripe HAZMAT onesies is  compulsory until Covid 77 (the Vegan Variant) has been defeated by the  rooster-booster jab that Lord Pfizer invented yesterday afternoon.

Ian Andrew-Patrick

99endof supports no political party or ideology. The individual is what matters here, and the freedoms for which we are now obliged to fight.
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  1. At the beginning of February, the UK 'Childrens' Commissioner' informed us that children are now in urgent need of much more Mental Health treatment.

    Wow, who'd have ever guessed that there might already be 'Mental Health' repercussions from the kind of teaching you cite above? Or that letting kids just be kids might possibly be a better option than attempting to politically indoctrinate them as soon as they're out of their prams?

    Meanwhile, in a display of almost unbelievable hypocrisy, Rotherham Council (yes, THAT Rotherham) has just informed the world that it plans on making itself the 'Childrens' Capital Of Culture' in 2025.

    I wonder what the contribution of the 1,038 identified child victims of Rotherham's Muslim rape gangs will be to this festival of the County's 'culture'?

  2. Refreshing to hear some common sense in a vast ocean of garbage and propaganda!

  3. I couldn't agree more, Ian, and on the subject of the hypersexual madness being one of the three-pronged assault on us all, the race and climate being the other two.

    In my case I'm actually homosexual ( you probably wouldn't know if you met me unless I told you, I'm no walking cliché like some ) but that's it,
    I feel no connection to the LGBT+++ "community" whatsoever, especially these days. They're sick and twisted. I'm forever on the verge of being ousted from my peers because I'm the only one who sees the craziness for what it is. Even my own partner of 22 years, who I don't live with ( thanks DWP, you heartless bastards ) thinks I've turned into some "right-wing" nut. I've given up trying to wake him and the others up - it's pointless.

    It gets harder each day to keep going with all this madness being thrust into our minds.

    I'd probably lose it completely if I didn't know there were others who see things for what they are. I have to thank you for this blog. If I know it's not just me then I can stay strong.

    1. This comment is such a delight to read, as it sums up the purpose of 99endOf - to prioritise the individual. Groupthink is one of the worst horrors that humans engage in; without groupthink, you can't have a Holocaust, a Covid hoax, a Green Revolution etc. In my case I'm actually heterosexual, although throughout forty years of working in music, theatre and media I was repeatedly assumed not to be, because I wasn't a macho tub-thumping balls-out geezer. (Was more amusing than irritating). The current obsession with wearing one's sexuality like armour and weilding it like a club is so abhorrent. Those who define themselves by their sexuality/politics/ social virtue are desperate herd animals and that ain't me. So refreshing to hear the coherent input I get from readers - thanks again.
      Ian AP

  4. Interesting comment Will. A ray of hope that not all homosexual people are automatically of one political persuasion. 'They' are trying to destroy all of us by sending us mad.


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