American Terrorism : How the USA Destroyed Europe's Economic Future

Legendary journalist Seymour Hersh has posted an account of who sabotaged the Nordstream pipelines - confirming the conclusion of our September reports. Seymour leaves readers in no doubt that it was, of course, agents of NATO who destroyed the Russian gas pipeline to Europe. American state terror is nothing new, but this particular episode rips the mask off of the globalist facade. By creating the biggest environmental carbon disaster in world history, the USA reveals that they do not believe a single word of their own Climate Change fairy-tale. 

While I make no pretense of having the kind of contacts and sources available to Seymour Hersh, it's gratifying to see that our Nordstream report on September 30th [READ IT HERE] was by far the most accurate account published in Europe. A mere four days after the Nordstream explosions, readers of this blog knew the likely culprit, the underwater technology employed, and even the specific NATO 'exercise' in June 2022  which was used as cover to facilitate the planting of the bombs. 

Four months later, Hersh has added some excellent specific details to the story,[READ HERE] but it's a measure of how deeply free-speech is now buried that one of the world's most respected reporters is reduced to self-publishing on Substack. Excluded from the 'mainstream' for the crime of truth-telling, giants like Seymour Hersh and minnows like myself are condemned to bark our warnings from the bowels of the internet.   

In a parallel universe -where common sense prevailed and journalism actually existed- the truth of the Nordstream terror attack would by now have been headline news in every paper, lead story on every TV news channel, trending on Twitter and trumpeted on radio. But we inhabit a fantasy land of mainstream garbage, where 'news' means  fake presidents and fake prime ministers playing dress-up.   


On the very same day that Seymour Hersh's silent, invisible bombshell report emerged, the comedy actor pretending to front Ukraine and the Hindu billionaire running Britain into the ground went mincing across a military airfield wearing fighter-pilot helmets in front of hand-picked specially-invited photographers. 

This infantile cosplay jaunt was intended to illustrate Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's latest fabulous international money-laundering scheme. (Fighter planes and long-range missiles for Ukraine, huge contracts for the arms industry, cash in the numbered Swiss account thankyou kindly). 

Sunak is the quintessential globalist crook: filthy rich, hard-wired to the elite, and unwaveringly loyal to the next dirty billion. This smirking con-artist will not rest until every last drop of Britain's public money has been vanished into the Covid/Climate/Ukraine memory-holes.  

The sleazy duo then rolled into Westminster after a quick, private cuddle behind closed doors. Parliamentary business (whatever the hell that is nowadays) was 'suspended ' while Zelensky performed his 'freedom  and democracy' routine for the hastily assembled throng. For an encore, he held a selfie-session with the chimps on the front benches while the seals at the back dragged themselves off Twitter for long enough to clap their flippers dry.     


Amusingly, while in London for the Westminster circle-jerk, President Zelensky raised the issue of Ukraine's neighbour Moldova -something which we addressed a week ago. [READ IT HERE] I wonder how the ordinary people of Moldova -and indeed Belarus- feel about being sucked into Zelensky's theatre of blood?


There is an increasingly desperate atmosphere in the western corridors of power; an almost frenzied enthusiam for the politics of  take-the-money-and-run.  The vast quantaties of hard cash seized and stashed beneath the Covid smokescreen are set to be equalled -perhaps even surpassed- by the Grand Ukraine Swindle. There is a growing suspicion on the outer rings of the elite circle -a sense that the long-predicted economic collapse of the western collective is coming much sooner than expected.

At the same time, the arrogance of those in the elite inner circle is bordering on the aristocratic excesses last seen in pre-revolutionary France. If we take a step backwards from the compelling, repulsive spectacle of the 'very important people', we see only the worst of humanity -the very dregs of our species. The 'media' were appalled that ex-Health Secretary Matt Hancock was physically assaulted on a tube-train. Personally, I'm astounded there are still no politicians swinging from lamp-posts. 

Britain's 'leader' is a super-rich swindler, despised by the public, his party and his Parliament. America's 'leader' is a senile sex-predator, drained by a lifetime of international grift. This pair -and all their fellow grifters  on the sinking life-raft that is Europe- dance only to the tune of egomaniacal billionaires and increasingly impenetrable corporations. 

From  Berlin to Birmingham, weary taxpayers shuffle in increasingly long queues towards they know not what. Dazed by the post-covid hangover, like ritually abused children they press on in the dwindling hope of another glimpse of what was once called 'normality'. Instead, they are lashed by galloping inflation, and the cold comforts of home, where the ever-present screens blare defiantly about fabricated sexual and racial iniquities  -just look at that!   

Against this background of gathering miseries, we hear the voices of Very Important Persons explaining that they will take away our cars and stoves. They alone will choose the food we eat, the places we can go, the air we can breathe. But too many of us are dragging our feet when it comes to total obedience. 

For that reason alone, very soon, I believe, they will once again threaten us with instant death and start  ordering us to ingest the latest crucially-important life-saving drugs they have created. Far too many of the walking wounded think the worst is over, that the covidian nightmare could never be repeated. I think the opposite: Covid was the beginning, not the end. They have run a pretty major experiment to see how far the people can be pushed. The answer, sadly, was far too far. Next time the gloves will come off.  

Ian Andrew-Patrick

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