Terrorist or Freedom Fighter? This used to be the only dilemma when reporting acts of creative violence with political aims. The 21st century, however, saw the term "false flag" creep into popular use. In in the early years of internet, shocking evidence regarding events like the JFK murder and the 9/11 attacks flooded the web. The threat of an enlightened, sceptical generation frightened the elites and the net was rapidly "closed". But the false flags keep coming - and Ukraine just hosted another.
For more than a year, the nauseating sight of Ukraine's fake president, Volodomyr Zelensky, has been ever-present, filling the headlines in every form of western media short of comic books. [TO READ ABOUT THE REAL ZELENSKY CLICK HERE] Now he is once again up front and central on every screen, selling the second major false flag of the NATO/Russia proxy war.
"False flag" is a term that describes an act of state-sponsored violence that is blamed on other actors to conceal the nature and origin of the attack. Such deceptions are often used to excuse acts of war that otherwise cannot be justified.
Two examples:
In 1939, Hitler's nazis staged a theatrical "attack" on Gernany's own borders, blaming the Polish army. Now Germany had created a pretext to invade Poland, and WW2 began at once.
In 1964, the US Navy falsely claimed that the USS Maddox -a destroyer- was attacked by North Vienamese ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. In the aftermath, President Johnson was able to begin open warfare in Vietnam. It was later admitted that the original attack never took place.
Many more false-flags -including mass-casualty atrocities- have followed, and this century has seen a litany of government lies used to justify needless, profit-motivated warfare in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The current Ukraine/Russia conflict is a classic case, from the US-sponsored overthrow of Ukraine's elected government in 2014 to the endless NATO provocations that fnally forced Russia to re-claim formerly Russian Ukrainian territory. By 2022, NATO had been creeping up on Moscow like a nuclear-equipped plague.
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Put simply, puppet-president Zelensky's refusal to remain neutral was guaranteed to place viable American short-range nuclear missiles on Russia's doorstep, within striking distance of Moscow. Putin's 2022 response was defensive, entirely logical and inevitable.
Nevertheless, the controlled western media went into instant overdrive selling the EVIL PUTIN'S RUSSIAN INVASION narrative which was easily swallowed by a Covid-weary citizens in 2022. Over a year later, more than $100 billion in "support" for Ukraine has been laundered into the Swiss bank- accounts of arms dealers, corrupt politicians and corporate crooks.
Sustaining the war, howerver, has been difficult, given Russia's overwhelming military superiority. It is a measure of Moscow's efforts to minimise the carnage on its doorstep that there is any Ukraine left at all; total annihilation would have been easy, had Russia actually been the Evil Empire portrayed in the moron's media infesting both Europe & America.
Two glaring false flags have escalated this grim conflict -the first, in September 2022, being the gratuitous terrorist assault on Russia's Nordstream pipelines which were (heaven forbid) supplying affordable gas to European consumers. [READ OUR COVERAGE OF THE PIPELINE FALSE FLAG HERE & HERE] The BBC, and all western controlled media united to peddle the ludicrous fairy-story that Russia itself had carried out that colossal industrial sabotage of its own priceless resources. A lie so stupid only a child could swallow it whole.
But reading and analysis are unpopular, tiresome distractions in the 210st century wonderland of 24/7 'news'. So yet another blatant act of terrorism has been inflicted on the long-suffering people of Ukraine, and yet again the professional liars are pointing the finger at Russia.
The key to understanding such events is always the same question -and has been since Roman times: Cui Bono? (Who benefits?)
The unspeakable and certainly unprintable truth is that Ukraine has no chance whatsoever of "winning" this ghastly war, and never did. The endlessly trumpeted "Ukrainian Counter-Attack" will, if it ever materialises, be as doomed as the 300,000+ poor bastards already tossed into NATO's latest European meat-grinder.
Contrary to the deranged babbling of Britain's so-called "military experts" in the daily papers, the colossal might of the Russian military machine has reduced Ukraine's offensive capabilities to almost nil. For all the billions of hi-tech gear eagerly trundled in to keep the war going at all costs, it's fly-swatters against cannons as far as nuclear-equipped Moscow is concerned.
However, with his armed forces on their knees, armed with second-division gaer from NATO (that Ukrainan soldiers cannot operate properly) Zelensky's battle-cry has never varied: GIVE ME MORE AND MORE MONEY. As international dirty cash-laundering exercises go, Ukraine is proving the Mother of All scams. But raising money needs headlines -and accurate, honest ones (Ukraine Doomed / War Lost) are not permitted. Such dreadful admissions might lead to (oh no!) the end of the war. What is a poor (multi-millionaire) oligarch to do?
Clearly, some more "Russian Atrocity" is required to get the cashflow pumping again. And lo! On June 6th (yesterday) mysterious explosions tore an enormous breach in the Kakhova Dam in southern Ukraine. Zelensky was out of his box (and onto yours) like a greyhound. On both sides of the Dnipro river people are dying of thirst! Putin is an evil monster! "It's a catastrophe!" yells the United Nations, from a script handed to them by US warmonger-in-chief Victoria Newland. SEND MONEY!! shrieks Zelensky -and you may be sure "we" all will.
Okay, Cui Bono? Well, it sure ain't Vladimir Putin. At this point in Zelensky's Tales of the Riverbank performance a little history lesson and a few hard facts need addressing.
1. The Kakhova Dam was built by the Russian government in the 1950's. The area where it sits is currently under Russian control.
2. The Kakhova hydro-electric power plant supplies water to the Crimea, which has been home to the Russian Black Sea Fleet for the last 240 years.
3. Before the invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin regularly issued demands to Kiev that irrigation systems supplying water to Crimea remain open -for obvious reasons. Ukraine's political independence had, of course, been conditional on maintaining amicable relations with Russia.
In other words, Russia would get no benefit whatsoever from the dam's destruction. Quite the reverse. Cutting the water supply off from Crimea would be -from a Russian persepective- sheer insanity. Loss of Crimean water represents an economic and military setback of huge proportions. Yet we are being asked to believe that -for the second time in this grotesque NATO proxy war- Putin has "carried out a terrorist attack" on a facility vital to Russia's own strategic infrastructure. First Nordstream, now Kakhova. This is BS on stilts.
By this logic, in 1940, Churchill might have sent the RAF to bomb London - and followed up by sinking all Navy warships in the Channel.
For Zelensky, on the other hand, a brand new Public Relations bonanza is beckoning. Once again he (the living personification of Ukraine, in his fevered imagination) is the victim - the hero, the defiant one, reaching out for help in the words we know so well: SEND MORE MONEY!! NOW!! The Cui Bono? question is answeed. The beneficiaries of the Kakhova attack are the same dark actors who have mapiluted the conflict since the outset.
And once again, every lamestream outlet in the West from the BBC down to the sewer press falls into line behind another idiotic fairy-story to ensure this farcical "war" contiues until all Europe is bankrupt, thus securing our loyalty to the crumbling American Empire.
Adding insult to injury, the British media has united in declaring the breach in the Kakhova Dam to be a "war crime". Curious, that. I seem to recall that between 1970 and 1999 I watched endless TV re-runs of a British war-propaganda film called 633 Squadron. This drumbeatng (true) story of heroism and aerial derring-do celebrated the low-level bombing exploits of an RAF squadron which launched a massive raid on some dams in the RuhrValley, aimed at crippling Nazi Germany's military/industrial security. Dambusting was a noble thing -when we did it.
Having pinned the latest dam-bombing exploit on Putin, however, the process itself has been declared Verboten. But this aint the 20th century and official propaganda is much harder to sell to veterans of the Interweb. History may yet record that 'freedom-fighter' Zelensky was Ukraine's real dambuster, although I doubt he'll be getting a medal for it anytime soon.
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